Not A Worry In The World

As I was busy chasing dreams like most people, something I haven’t paid attention to at all was - the number 2012. Referring to a year, it means four years from now. Most beings were horribly aware that our planet would come to an end soon and even came up with a precise date - 21st of December 2012. I could foresee some couples getting married on that day.

With the recent supportive facts like the mad earthquakes in China and crazy cyclone in Burma killing lives of the innocence, it does scare the shit out of me and almost makes me a believer. But hey, previously I heard someone from somewhere said the world would surely explode on 6th of June 2006. At last everyone survives and watching TV in their comfort home.

I'm not worried about the judgment date, I'm more worried about the time wasted in the process of worrying things that might not happen. If worrying now and nothing happens later, the whole effort of worrying was wasted. If worrying now and something really bad happens in the end, then we begin to worry about it.. again! We bound to the feeling of worry, twice.

Don’t you think it’s redundant?

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Elisha said...

by the ways, KUDOS on the great background =) rrreaaally love it.. (am not kidding =p) it really gives the blog character..

annnnyywaaayyyyss, why the sudden thoughts of apocalypse? im not too sure how many times people have reported dooms day (but i think its been plenty). i wonder what nostradamus said about it. He did predict tons of stuff (which did actually happen of course).

its an interesting thought really.. but the fact that i can pretty much die at any time (it is in god's hands).. i dont fret too much about the end of the world.. i personally think the end of the world is went a random asteroid hits us =p when that happens, we pretty much go out like a light.. i dont even think there will be time for thought.. im blabbering.. hugs!

Momisodes said...

Definitely redundant. No need to waste time stressing. Live life each day to the fullest as if it's your last day :)

Anonymous said...

omg not another doomday's day again!! theres so much suffering arounfd the world these days.. i don think i can smile by looking at all these plights! thanks for reminding the date :)

Matchfingers said...

[Sandy] People just love doing redundant actions - like pressing lift button for multiple times. I reckon most people think it helps to reduce the stress level. Really?

[Jesse] Indeed it was another scary prediction. But it reminds us to live consciously. Well not to focus too much on the plights, instead focus on how we can offer help - like doing donation. Now who says money is evil?

Matchfingers said...

[Mercury] Sorry I miss out your comment! Thanks for your compliment. Hope I'm not building a wall of barrier at the background here. Tehe.

Well the thought of it questions the design of my life's template. Would you live your life differently if there are only four years left? Gosh I'm getting serious nowadays..

Anonymous said...

what a nice topic to ponder!

Anonymous said...

As a Christian, I try no to worry coz worry is not trusting God. What I should be concerned about and focused all the more is how I should live my life and how God's glory be reflected in my life, so when judgment day comes, I am assured to the place where I want to go.